About Our Program

In partnership with the University of Texas School of Public Health, UTHSCSA established a 4-year MD-MPH dual degree program in 2007 — one of only a handful of such programs in the Nation. The goal of the program is to address the critical need for well-trained public health practitioners in Texas.

A recent University of Texas System Task Force, led by Vice Chancellor Kenneth Shine, concluded that the “state of public health in Texas is poor in comparison to national averages, and is likely to further deteriorate.” It called for a “shared vision” among UT institutions in order to address the “shortage of well-trained public health professionals” in our State.

The Future of Public Health in Texas

The South Texas region UTHSCSA serves is growing rapidly. 2 of the 10 fastest-growing metropolitan areas in the US (Laredo and Harlingen-McAllen-Brownsville) lie along the Texas-Mexico Border. Laredo is the busiest inland port in the United States. Rapid economic growth has brought great opportunity and economic benefit to our state, but poverty, health and public health concerns pose a continuing challenge for the future.

A few statistics about the Border Region: If this region were designated as the 51st state in the United States, it would rank:1
- Third in deaths related to diabetes
- Second in deaths due to hepatitis
- First in the number of uninsured children
- First in children living in poverty
- Last in access to healthcare

Future physicians must not only treat individual patients, but also address underlying conditions that threaten the health of communities they serve. Medical students at UTHSCSA will be immersed in an environment where the needs are huge, learning opportunities are diverse, and their personal contributions will be valued. They will have the opportunity to study at the Regional Academic Health Center which serves the Rio Grande Valley Region and/or in Laredo, Texas. These UTHSCSA campuses offer training experiences at the border, some of which are cross-credited in both the Medical School and the School of Public Health.

1 According to the Health Resources and Services Administration. Retrieved 8/14/07. http://www.borderhealth.org/border_region.php