Student Representative

There is one student representative per class; new appointments are in the spring semester of the MS1 year.

Each spring the UTSOMSA MD/MPH Coordinator will call for applications. Interested students should submit an application paragraph of no more than 150 words or their endorsement of another student directly to the UTSOMSA MD/MPH Program Coordinator by the due date stated on the call for applications.

The selection and appointment is made by the voting members of the Coordinating Committee. Applicants must be in good academic standing. Recommendations of fellow students and program staff will be considered in making the appointment decision. The term of the appointment is through graduation from UTSOMSA. Appointment to the class Student Representative precludes the student from election as a class officer in the School of Medicine. Student Representatives may resign at any time or may be removed from this position by the voting members of the Coordinating Committee for failure to remain in good academic standing or other reasons relevant to the student’s performance.

Position Description

Duties of student representatives will include the following:
• Work with class officers to assign “big sibs” to incoming MD/MPH students
• Serve as official liaison from the MD/MPH program to the School of Medicine Class Officers
• Attend MD/MPH Coordinating Committee meetings (as scheduling permits)
• Facilitate students’ communication with program staff and faculty
• Assist in planning and scheduling MD/MPH activities
• Volunteer or recruit other MD/MPH students to assist at various official meetings and events
• Assume other duties as appropriate and as the student’s time permits